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What do BzzAgents do exactly?The short answer: Try products and services, then share honest opinions about them via product reviews. The long answer: We find products and brands you’ll love and give you a way to experience them at no expense. You share your thoughts about the products you try by writing reviews.
What do you do with the information I provide to you?We use the information you provide to: Match you with the right BzzCampaigns, send you products or samples, and overall manage our relationship with you. Create better experiences for you and other BzzAgents, including to provide tailored content and advertising we display to you or others. Improve our current or future campaigns and internal business purposes. For more ways we use your information and additional details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
Will BzzAgent script things for me to say?Nope, we leave the dialogue all to you. Be yourself — share the positive and the negative. We will provide you with information on the featured product and we require that you be forthcoming about receiving a product sample.
If I sign up for BzzAgent, will I receive emails?The only emails you’ll receive from us will be about BzzCampaigns or other BzzAgent-related information. If you decide to opt-out of marketing emails, you can unsubscribe by following the unsubscribe instructions included in the emails. If you receive marketing communications directly from a brand and would no longer like to be contacted by them, please contact that brand directly.
I just joined. What should I do next?First of all, welcome aboard! You’re on your way to a chance at sweet, sweet product experiences. Now you can sit back and relax. We’ll keep an eye out for a campaign that’s right for you. It may be a minute, but – if we find one – we’ll send you an email application straight away! You will also receive surveys to fill out via email so that we can get to know you better. In the meantime, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for the latest updates.
I live outside the USA, Canada and the UK. Can I still sign up as a BzzAgent?Sorry, BzzAgent is currently open only to residents in the countries listed above.
What are BzzCampaigns — and how do I join one?We run limited time BzzCampaigns where we match Agents to test and review products that are relevant to them. We use the profile data provided to us as well as survey responses to make sure that agents receive products that they will truly enjoy. Most campaigns run for eight weeks, giving you plenty of time to try something and share your thoughts. If we think you may be right for a BzzCampaign, you’ll receive an invite via email linking to an application form. If you’re accepted into the campaign, we’ll notify you with a separate confirmation email.
How many BzzCampaigns should I expect to receive?We love the enthusiasm! We can’t guarantee a specific number of BzzCampaign invitations, but we do our best to ensure everyone has a fair shot at being invited and selected.
How do you decide who gets invited to BzzCampaigns?Unfortunately, not everyone qualifies for every campaign. Here are some of the main criteria we use to determine who gets invited to what campaign: Your Profile: We use the data you provide in agent profiles (Interests, Income, Pets, etc) to identify which agents might be most interested. The more complete your profile, the more likely you are to be invited to apply! Your Survey Responses: We send application surveys to get to know you a little bit better and understand specifics. Campaigns fill up quickly, so be sure to check your inbox to stay up-to-date on all opportunities to participate. Where you live: While we’d love for everyone to try everything, some campaigns are only available to particular parts of the country or shoppers at specific retail stores.
When are application invites sent out for a new campaign?It depends. Each BzzCampaign has a certain number of BzzAgents who can participate, so we send out application invites in waves until all the spots are full. Sometimes campaigns fill up within a few hours, while some take several days. If you haven’t received an invite to apply within 3-4 days of launch, it’s probably not the campaign for you. (But don’t worry, we’ll try to find one that is!)
Do I have to join every BzzCampaign I'm invited to?Not at all! If you know you won’t participate in a campaign you’re invited to, don’t hesitate to pass on it — we would never pressure you to try a product or service that doesn’t interest you. We only ask that once you’ve applied and been selected to a campaign, you share your honest opinion. And of course, follow the BzzAgent Disclosure Guidelines when you do (no sneaky behavior allowed!).
Do I have to participate in the campaigns I join?If you join a BzzCampaign and don’t perform any activities, you won’t be invited to join campaigns in the future. The brands we work with are counting on you to spread the Bzz and share your experience of their products!
After I am accepted for a BzzCampaign, how long until I get my sample in the mail?You should expect to receive your sample within 1-5 weeks after being approved for a campaign. If it has been longer than 4 weeks, please email us so we can check the status of your shipment.
What’s an activity?Activities (sometimes called “BzzActivities,”) refer to the types of tasks we’ll ask you to complete during a campaign. At the start of every campaign, you’ll receive a detailed “Posting Instructions” email that describes the activities. Because every product is different, every campaign will include a different variety of activities, including: Writing product reviews Completing surveys
How many activities should I complete per campaign?You need to complete all of the activities listed in the posting instructions email. Keep in mind, we’re looking for quality, so put a little elbow grease into each activity to generate meaningful content in every campaign you join.
Should I still complete activities if I didn’t like a product?Absolutely! We reward BzzAgents for their hard work and for sharing their honest opinions, good or bad. For any review to be credible, it needs to be honest. So whether you love a product or think it could use a little work, we want your opinion!
What makes a great Product Review?Bzz is best when it’s honest and hype-free — and that goes for reviews, too! Whether you loved a product or thought it could use some improvement, the juicy details are what we’re after. Keep these guidelines in mind each time you post: Speaks to curious shoppers looking for details about the product Answers the question, "What would I want to know before purchasing this experience, service or product?" Contains unique, creative, or thoughtful content Provides extra value to consumers Is shareable Is paired with a relevant, quality photo And – of course – always discloses that you got the product/service/experience for free as a BzzAgent and abides the other requirements of our Disclosure Guidelines.
A BzzAgent is:Open BzzAgents always tell others they are part of a word-of-mouth program. When Bzzing others, you must let them know that you're involved with BzzAgent and tell them what you received as part of the campaign. (See our Disclosure Guidelines for details on how to do this.) If you genuinely like something (or even if you don't), it's your open, honest opinion that counts. A Natural Communicator Be yourself and share your opinions — all Bzz is good Bzz. Your first priority is always to deliver authentic Bzz, or information and opinions, to other people. You know how you stop listening when you think someone is trying to sell you something? Well, other people do too. So stay natural! Be extra careful to not spam strangers when you're online. Honest Bzz is only effective when it's completely honest. Bzz only works because it is honest — and that means discussing any bad with the good. People are smart, and they'll pick up on fake or dishonest Bzz. Why would you want to be misleading and risk damaging your relationships? Your honest opinion is what matters and that's what you should share with others. Mindful Everything you do communicates something to the people around you. An Agent knows that sometimes you don't have to say a word to make an impact. Keep in mind that you're constantly sending messages to the people around you whether you’re putting words on paper or not. Influential Knowledge is power — and so is Bzz! As an Agent, your opinions have a lot of power. Respect that power by only sharing honest and informed opinions. Take the time to experience the product and learn more about it before you spread your opinion.. Not a Salesperson Share your honest opinions, not hype or a sales pitch. When you Bzz, you don't need to "close the sale" or over-dramatize what you're saying. Bzzing is about sharing honest opinions with others, not pressuring people or making false or misleading statements. Just say how the product worked for you, don't make broad claims about what it may do for others. It's your personal experience that matters. A Listener Pay attention to how people are responding to the Bzz. Word of mouth is a two-way street. Sure, you have information about exciting products and services, but the people you're talking with also have opinions and experiences that they may want to share with you as well. Listening will help you to become a better, more informed Agent. In Touch Stay in contact with the Central Hive. Stay alert for campaign invitations and sign up quickly for the ones that interest you. Submit detailed Reviews for each campaign that you are participating in. And let us know about your experiences — good and bad — so we can keep BzzAgent fresh and exciting. After all, you're our eyes and ears. Bzzing for Fun Bzz only works when you're having a good time! Being an Agent is exciting because you have access to great products and services, and fun because you get to spread the Bzz in your own unique way — whenever you want, with whomever you want. No gimmicks, no pressure.
A BzzAgent Isn’t:Sharing application links Campaign invitations are sent to members only - via email. Using or sharing any links found online or from freebie sites, is NOT allowed. Those found using shared links will not be eligible for campaigns. Maintaining multiple accounts Fake profiles won’t up your chances of getting into campaigns, but they will get your license to Bzz revoked. “Running” someone else’s account Yep, this counts too. Your account is yours alone. If your partner, roommate, daughter, etc. wants to be a BzzAgent, they have to run their account themselves. Selling or trading BzzKit contents You won’t hurt our feelings if you don’t like what’s inside. In fact, we’ll want to hear all about it! What will upset us is spotting your BzzKit items for sale on eBay. Using fake social media profiles A Twitter account you use once every three months that’s only followed by your six closest friends? Love it. You’re golden. Keep up the good Bzz. A Twitter account that’s only used to apply to BzzAgent? Not okay. Being sneaky or trying to fake our system in other ways We’re all here to have fun, try free stuff and share product experiences with friends. Be honest, be patient and, well…just be you — and you’ll make BzzAgent a more awesome place for everyone!
Why haven’t I received an invite in a while?We are in the process of launching a new BzzAgent community. We will notify you when we’re ready to get going with new campaigns!
How do I change or update my contact information?To update your contact information, simply log in to your account and navigate to the ‘Edit Profile’ section. If you’re having difficulties, you can also email Always try to keep your contact information up to date, since we can't notify you of new campaigns or other important news if we can't reach you.
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